Monday, November 2, 2009


Sin turns all God's grace into wantonness; it is the dare of his justice, the rape of his mercy, the jeer of his patience, the slight of his power, and the contempt of his love...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Great Outdoors

I got back from Joshua Tree today with my class. Here’s some things I learned...

1) There is something so greatly amazing about being away. I do not mean setting aside time in our safe zones at home, coffee shops, etc. Though this was a school trip dedicated to astronomy and star gazing, I took every advantage to read Mere Christianity, and listen to some podcasts. This kind of thing is tough, as we/I have become so used to mobile technology. Even as I lost reception every so often I caught myself reaching for my phone. I think that says a lot about how much I use my phone; even to hear how much people wished they had reception made me see how much technology has taken over in our lives. Makes me wonder how we ever existed without it? The time I spent was incredible. To truly set aside time to seek, think and reflect is something I feel we do not do enough, not because we do not want to necessarily, but because of how we have grown up in our social settings, the things we’ve become accustomed to, and the lack of places we have to retreat to play a part. Yet looking through Luke we see examples where Jesus retreats to places where He can be alone. There is something special about it, something I know I want to incorporate more in my personal and community life.

2) Colossians speaks of Jesus creating all things in the heavens and earth. Romans speaks of God’s invisible attributes being made clear for all to see so that no one has an excuse. Sure there are things here in the city that are visibly show such things; sunsets, beaches, views of the mountains. But being in Joshua tree is really something special; clear skies, big beautiful rock formations, desert life, both plants and animals. But really what did it for me was the night sky. There is something about space that is so fascinating to me. There are starts, planets, globular clusters, binary stars, moons, meteors, and constellations. I don’t know how the others felt about these things that we were observing, but I just put on my iPod, and went through my Explosions in the Sky catalogue and just pictured God speaking it all into motion. That was probably the highlight of my day and a half. To know that the light from some of the stars took 25,000 years to get here, to be able to see Saturn through a telescope and see the rings and the moon, to see M-13 a cluster of stars consisting of thousands upon thousands of stars, the rising of Jupiter, and seeing meteors (shooting stars) is something that is so incredible, to me anyways. To think He created it all for moments like these, so I can catch a glimpse of how big He really is.

3) I got the chance to really evaluate myself on a social standard while being in Joshua Tree. I like to think that I have gotten better interacting socially with others and not being the hermit crab I once was. I think when it comes to the things of the Kingdom, talking about God, and interacting with Christians, I do very well. I don’t know if that is a bad thing when thinking about what it means for my interaction with non-believers. Or is it just easier to interact when it comes to issues and conversations we are familiar and comfortable with. Do not get me wrong I made friends and talked, hung out at tables with others and went on a few hikes with others, but I was still pretty quiet. I’m not really sure what to say when everyone talks about partying, drinking, smoking weed, etc. I have no problem talking about how I do not agree with a lot of the things they do, but only if they ask me about it, which no one did. I do not want to separate myself from them, but I want to be among them in hopes that they notice Christ in my life, that there is something different in my actions, talk, kindness, my thoughts, and the way I carry myself. It was nice that even as they saw me reading Mere Christianity they never shied away from me. They even called me “the cool guy” on a few occasions, which I thought was funny. 

I guess the whole point of this is quiet places... True quiet places where we catch a glimpse in new ways of how big God is... When I got home today, and even on the road I got on my phone when I got reception and as soon as I got home I turned on the TV and lied down for hours. It's those comfort zones, my bed, I am a sucker. Maybe I was just really tired, maybe I saw an opportunity to be lazy, but comparing how much I interacted in reading and reflecting comes no where near what it was yesterday.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Summer is always an exciting time... This summer is no exception... There are many things I plan to do and have already been doing since my summer started the second week of May. I don’t want my summer to be full of nothing, especially because I have no job right now. I want to be very productive...

I have started writing. Charles Lee once said, “what if we gave time to our dreams, passions, or desires.” Really that’s what it takes. There is always much talk in our world about things we want to do or plans we have; yet that is all it is, just talk. Well one of my biggest dreams is to write music and sing around the world. I don’t know if that will ever happen but if that is what I want to do it needs time dedicated to it, writing, arranging, and listening. I pretty much spend about 4 hours a day at church 3 or 4 times a week reading and writing and submersing myself in writing music. As of now I have three solid songs that I am really proud of and hopefully more will be birthed as summer goes on.

It’ll be nice to dedicate some time to Converge. Next week Aaron finishes teaching and Adam has the summer off. It’ll be nice to be able to plan some stuff out and maybe work on some ideas, who knows, but since we have the time why not.

Soon Emily will be back as well and we can pick up where we left off... Summer is looking good...

More thoughtful posts to come, as I read the bible more and engage with passages and people things will surely come out, I just have to organize all that is in my head...

Books I’m reading:

Knowledge of the Holy – A.W. Tozer

Mere Christianity – C.S. Lewis

The Final Battle – C.S. Lewis

Red Letters – Tom Davis


Music I’m Listening to the Most

Delta Spirit – Ode to Sunshine

Ra Ra Riot – The Rhumb Line

Camera Obscura – My Maudlin Career

Jenny Lewis – Rabbit Fur Coat

Adele – 19

As Cities Burn – Hell or High Water


Podcasts I’m Listening To

Rockharbor – Definatly my favorite, Mike Erre speaking on Corinthians blows me away

Generation Church – Listening to the new leadership that has taken over, really good

The City Church – It is great to hear Judah Smith outside of the youth setting

Mars Hill – Giving Mark Discoll another shot, I’ll start these soon since I just finished all the Rockharbor podcasts

Friday, May 22, 2009

If you were here

She is in Spain, so far away...

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dear Amos and Hosea...

In class we had a question: If Amos or Hosea were your spiritual mentor, what would you tell them about your life?

My three answers:

1) I feel like I'm carrying a heavy load on my back. I'm trying to live in obedience in the ways I feel God wanting me to live. I'm changing the things He wants me to change and pressing in to the call He has for me. I am trying to set an example and bear fruit, in obedience to God, but also for others around me that I want so badly to get it, and I feel a heavy load on me. Should I be carrying this heavy load, probably not, but I know my friends see my actions and I want them to see that enough is enough it's time to step it up and I feel like a play a part in this with Jesus. But what if I mess up? What if I fail? I cannot compromise... 

2) I struggle with the work load that I have right now, 23 units is really taking its toll entering into the last month of school. I have a desire to read the word but sometimes I look at the word and I want nothing to do with having to read it or pick it up cause I feel like I'm overloaded with reading the word. I can't bear to read another passage. Is it wrong to feel this way? Probably, probably  not but I hate feeling that I can't read the word because I've read to much already...

3) I love what I do and the position God has put me in at my church and in regards to leadership. The other day I was just thinking about being mindful of things that are taking place and observing the importance of why we participate in certain things. I don't want to do church in a routine fashion. I want to be mindful of the words I'm singing, the scripture I read, and the cup and the bread I eat and drink of. I don't want to take the Last Supper and not even think twice of why I'm doing it. I want to remember the blood that was shed for me, the body that was beaten of a king, and the repentance that brings forgiveness and peace with God as I recognize my need for the Savior. Especially even now with Easter coming I want to be mindful, I want to really think about what happened in these last days and though I may never fully comprehend all that happened I want to remember... Connect.

I don't think I can ever fully comprehend all Christ has done for me until I see heaven for myself and see the all glory that He left so that He could come to earth and be rejected in every worse way possible...

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Need...

Within the past couple of weeks it seems like I have come across some conversations about the church. What is obvious is that something has to change to reach the new generation of the lost and dying. Someone said that his church would not due to save the majority of people that need to be saved. I will say that there is validity in that statement. In my mind there is no way if I took a classroom of highschoolers or went to a major college and took a handful of students to the traditional church that has been stuck in the same routine for 10 or 15 years it would be something one would want to be a part of. This is understandable as times are changing and the old ways of doing things will not work in our generation for the most part.

What seems to be the most troubling to me is the idea of getting rid of the church. Now I am not saying that all feel this way or anyone has blatantly flat out said we don’t need the church, but what I fear is the thought of the church eventually being abandoned by a “radical” generation of thinkers. Here are some of my thoughts...

1) A need for the church

Someone told me “the bible doesn’t say that I have to go to church.” I began to think that can not be true. In Mathew Jesus says He will build the CHURCH. What is the church? In the Greek the church means a group of people or a gathering with a common interest or goal. So the church by this definition is not individual but community oriented. Paul rarely ever addresses individually but addresses the church as a whole community. We see this all over Paul’s writing, the need for community, to be as one, and to be together. In Acts we see the church as one devoting themselves to each other, eating, praying, and taking care of each other. It seems by this one could argue that there is no need for the church corporately worshipping in a building. But as time goes on we know of churches that did exist as places of corporate worship, Paul writes to them and in Revelation John speaks to the 7 churches in the beginning of the letter. As a church we are told to teach, edify, build up, bear God’s name together. I am not sure that without the church we could do this on a regular basis. Yes it is possible to be in community with friends, but where is accountability, where is authority over one’s life, how can we pour into those who need it, who are we teaching, are we building, are we edifying, who will we help send out with us, there must be more that just discussions. I am not saying this can only be done in a church building, but sometimes I think it is where is begins and we are able to take it out of the walls...

What seems to be the key problem from what I am hearing is the church is the lack of action in our world, the lack of relational connections, and the spreading the gospel message. People are tired and can not bear to think that going to a service hearing a message and going along on our merry way can really be Christianity lived out. We will find true satisfaction when we are living out the Gospel together. Lets grow together, love together, learn together, reach together, inside the church but outside of it as well, 10 times more...  We are the church, let us not be to quick to dismiss the church because Jesus wants to build this church in a new (creative) way like never before...

Soon I’ll post number 2...

Sunday, March 8, 2009


As I watch TV or pass through check out lines at markets and stores, one thing I don’t understand is America’s obsession with celebrities. No matter what line you walk through magazines are talking about break ups, who’s losing weight or gaining it, and who’s dating who among other things. Then there is good ol TMZ a bunch of people paid to follow people with cameras and camcorders. Do I need to know what workout David Beckham is doing, what places Brittney Spears is shopping, how to get toned arms like Michelle Obama, or what club Paris Hilton is at, what happened with Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston met face to face, or someone’s beach body?

Personally I want to live my life, not follow the lives of people’s through magazines or chasing celebrities all my life with a camera. I guess the defense is the money but what good is money at the price of invading privacy. I just want to be happy and happiness is not that for me.