Saturday, December 27, 2008

Throwing fits...

I don’t understand why when something does not go our way we feel like we need to throw a fit. As I sit in terminal 4 in Dallas Love I have been waiting for a flight that was supposed to take off at 850 p.m., instead it is now taking off at 2 a.m. because of weather. Obviously nothing that can be controlled. Sometimes these things just happen and you learn to be patient and go with the flow. There is nothing to be upset about, though it is tough waiting and whatnot. There is a great group of people (sarcastic) across from me that are flipping out and writing letters to be typed demanding refunds. I just don’t understand why? How can someone come off like that? Sure we all have somewhere to be and it has been a long day but still what is there to be done about it. Be Patient. Keep cool.

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